


EventSuite is a portal that provides customized user access to specific applications for companies and their employees.

The challenge was to create a comprehensive tool that is customised to the employee administration, as well as the rights and role allocation of the respective person. In addition, it should be possible to add users to the applications, give them roles and rights for this application or even limit them in terms of time. companies/teams with users can be formed, where each user is provided with their own area and can also manage it. communication between users within a company/team is also possible.



The main goal is to develop an integrated platform for employee management, rights management, and communication. This should consider the needs of companies and teams of different sizes and structures.

Analysis: Understanding the needs of managers, administrators, team leaders, and general users is essential as they have different requirements for the platform.

Competitive Analysis: Analyze existing tools and platforms offering similar functionalities to identify best practices and shortcomings.

Technical Requirements: To Ensure the platform can support user and rights management in various applications, provide security, and facilitate efficient communication.


After the research is completed, I identify the main problems that users face when using the platform.

User Problems:

  • Challenges in managing employees and their access rights in various applications.
  • Lack of transparency in role and rights distribution.
  • Difficulties in time-limiting access rights.
  • Complex communication between users.

Business Problems:

  • Need to enhance the efficiency of employee management.
  • Data privacy and security concerns in rights management.


Based on the identified problems and user needs, we are developed a user-friendly an intuitive and comprehensible user interface for employee management and rights allocation, featuring the implementation of apps functionality and uncluttered dashboards.

Flexible Role and Rights Management:

  • Empower administrators to customize roles and permissions for diverse applications, offering a flexible approach to rights assignment.

Time Constraints:

  • Enact a time-limitation feature for access rights to enhance security and permit the temporary allocation of access permissions.

Team and Company Management:

  • Facilitate the creation of teams and companies, endowing users with the capability to autonomously manage their dedicated domains.

Internal Communication:

  • Integrate a communication framework that enables users to engage in in-app communication, exchange messages, and share files seamlessly.